
Hey there, my name is Katherine and I'm the KMC CREATIONS CEO, thanks for stepping by and supporting my small business!
Here you will find diversity of homemade skin care-hair care product with high-quality and natural base ingredients, cruelty free, non-GMO, sulfate and paraben free. I create different kind of skin care-hair care products such as hair masks, hair oils, body oils, hair loss treatments, face masks, face serums, eye creams, body creams, body butters, body scrubs, all of this and much more!
Here in my page, I tried to give details of main ingredients that I use on my products, so you can have an idea of the benefits of each one of them.
Hola mis amores y gracias por pasar por aqui y apoyar mi pequeño negocio!
para los que no me conocen soy Katherine fundadora de KMC CREATIONS. Kmc Creations es una tienda virtual de productos para el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, realizados en casa con ingredientes de alta calidad y los mas naturales posible para mejores resultados. Aqui vas a poder encontrar distintos nproductos como: mascarillas para el cabello, tratamientos para la caida del mismo, productos para la cara como serums, cremas de ojos y por supuesto las famosas Body Butters, exfoliantes y muchas cosas mas!
When you support a small business, you are supporting a dream!